Women of St. Stephen’s are hosting their annual Christmas Party on Sunday, December 8, 2024 at 2:00 pm. Mark your calendars! Women, youth, and children come ready to have some fun. Please bring a snack to share, gift(s) to share for the bingo game and come ready to have a good time. The women, youth and children of St. John’s are also invited!
Card and Tag Making Event
Saturday, December 14
10:00 am at St. John’s
Please RSVP to Karen Peterson at 320-358-3623 by December 9 so we have an estimate of supplies needed. Bring a snack to share. If you have cardstock, ink, glue or tape etc. to bring, that would be helpful. A financial donation will be accepted to help defray supply costs.
Christmas Caroling!
All ages from both congregations are invited to join us for an afternoon of Christmas Caroling as we share the joy of the season with our shut-ins. Meet at St. John's on Sunday, December 15 at 2 p.m. We will carpool from the church and return for an early dinner following our visits. Questions? Contact Cindy Wendorf. Please come and spread the Christmas joy and have great fellowship with one another!
Braham Meals on Wheels:
Your help is needed. The month of December is St. Stephen’s turn to deliver meals on wheels in and around Braham. There is a sign-up sheet downstairs on the table between the two kitchen windows. You will deliver one hot meal and six frozen meals on each Tuesday in December plus any other things that may be included. Meals are to be picked up at the Braham Event Center by 11:30 am. Please, please prayerfully consider this ministry to your community. Contact Ruth Hagfors at 320-224-0745 if you have questions. Remember, it is best to work in teams of two—one to drive and the other to deliver to the door. You serve the Lord when you help others.
Disaster Response Teams
These teams are a great way to serve your neighbor in a time of need. These teams are often the Church at her best. You never know when disaster will strike and training is required to serve on a team—locally, nationally, or internationally. Prepare now by training now. The next training in our area will be hosted in Zimmerman by Faith Community Lutheran Church on Sat-urday, January 18 from 8:30 am—3:00 pm. Registration is $35 per person and includes refresh-ments, lunch and training materials. A registration link will be forthcoming. For now, please spread the word, save the date, and learn more at LCMS.org/how-we-serve/mercy/disaster-response.
Card and Tag Making Event
Saturday, December 14
10:00 am at St. John’s
Please RSVP to Karen Peterson at 320-358-3623 by December 9 so we have an estimate of supplies needed. Bring a snack to share. If you have cardstock, ink, glue or tape etc. to bring, that would be helpful. A financial donation will be accepted to help defray supply costs.
Christmas Caroling!
All ages from both congregations are invited to join us for an afternoon of Christmas Caroling as we share the joy of the season with our shut-ins. Meet at St. John's on Sunday, December 15 at 2 p.m. We will carpool from the church and return for an early dinner following our visits. Questions? Contact Cindy Wendorf. Please come and spread the Christmas joy and have great fellowship with one another!
Braham Meals on Wheels:
Your help is needed. The month of December is St. Stephen’s turn to deliver meals on wheels in and around Braham. There is a sign-up sheet downstairs on the table between the two kitchen windows. You will deliver one hot meal and six frozen meals on each Tuesday in December plus any other things that may be included. Meals are to be picked up at the Braham Event Center by 11:30 am. Please, please prayerfully consider this ministry to your community. Contact Ruth Hagfors at 320-224-0745 if you have questions. Remember, it is best to work in teams of two—one to drive and the other to deliver to the door. You serve the Lord when you help others.
Disaster Response Teams
These teams are a great way to serve your neighbor in a time of need. These teams are often the Church at her best. You never know when disaster will strike and training is required to serve on a team—locally, nationally, or internationally. Prepare now by training now. The next training in our area will be hosted in Zimmerman by Faith Community Lutheran Church on Sat-urday, January 18 from 8:30 am—3:00 pm. Registration is $35 per person and includes refresh-ments, lunch and training materials. A registration link will be forthcoming. For now, please spread the word, save the date, and learn more at LCMS.org/how-we-serve/mercy/disaster-response.
Other Special Events will be added as they are announced.